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DEMs talk a lot

But you never see them walk the walk

Rock On Democrats

Name one thing a Dem proposes that they actually follow. No? Nobody?

The nominees all propose Green New Deal, right? How many are vegan? Cory Booker, that’s it.

Where do they send their kids to school? Public school with twisted sex ed - heavens no.

They always have their mouths flapping, but unless they actually follow what they preach how can anybody follow?

Think of 5 most pressing issues the USA is now facing. Think hard. Now let’s see if this Dem came close to tackling them.

1. Universal Basic Income, or what he calls the “Freedom Dividend.” Yang says he wants the government to give $1,000 every month to every American over the age of 18.

2. “We need to do all we can to find productive uses for the hundreds of American malls that are going to close in the next four years,” Yang writes on his website.

3. Yang suggests that “marriage counseling for interested couples should be free or heavily subsidized by the government.”

4. Yang proposes making tax day a federal holiday so we can celebrate.

5. Yang wants a “White House Psychologist group” responsible for monitoring the mental health of employees in the executive branch.

6. He proposes a robo-calling text line, where you can report the phone number of any robo-call that you feel wasted your time.

Wow! This platform will really save our lives. I can see clearly now.

Forget winning over China (Biden), Ukraine (Biden/Pelossi), Iran (Obama), Russia (Hillary).  Dems want to join them in the destruction of the world.

 Dems really have the pulse of the nation and the finger on the button, right? The homeless are certainly up off ground - look at Calif and NYC. 

Since the Dem Party is officially dead and buried, the replacement party should be called The Think Tank Party.

What do you think of this vision?

It should take the Republican proposed bills in either House or Senate and send them to appropriate committee. In the committee, the Think Tankers would try to come up with better, cheaper more efficient ways to do whatever Republicans are proposing.

We could make it a game show on TV and have winners in each committee. We the public could also see that no family members are awarded contracts, unless they really are the cheapest with best quality.

From time to time the Think Tankers might propose a bill. But from this moment on we treat bills from anybody like lawsuits - are they frivolous or not. Do they follow the Constitution? And all members are 100% in favor of making sure Federal Laws are enforced.

From this moment forward they all have term limits, monitored for inside trading crime and excess spending of taxpayer money - to include the elimination of the sex payoff fund.

And, from this moment forward we have a budget passed for new year in October and the plan to make it balance stays fixed and firm until it gets balanced - but the balance may not be complete, as balancing sometimes stifles. But we can get it close enough so that foreign countries cannot do us harm.

Lastly, they should all have jobs and service in Gov. should be voluntary, from-the-heart. They could gain prestige and a little bit of coin if they win in TV Show. There really is no need for parties or even coming to WA, when they can Skype and get assignments via email.
DEMs talk a lot DEMs talk a lot Reviewed by big on 3:57 AM Rating: 5

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