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Eugenics and China


Genetically Altered

Have you ever heard of eugenics? The term was coined by Francis Galton back in 1883 and it is an unnerving concept. Eugenics is the supposed science of human engineering in which the inferior races would be eliminated. Most of the founders of the eugenics movement were white and they felt blacks were an inferior race who needed to be sterilized. Any who had birth defects, or low intelligence or who just didn’t measure up to the master races were simply to be wiped out.

Amazingly, the United States bought into this demonic pseudo science and many thousands were sterilized. At the forefront of much of this was Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. She was in favor of black genocide and said: “Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated.” Of Planned Parenthood clinics, 78% are in minority communities and 35% of all abortions in America are now black babies.

The eugenics movement in America actually influenced the Nazis. As Hitler was ramping up his crimes against the Jews, believe it or not, the Rockefellers financed it. America’s eugenics program was touted in Germany as the example upon which their barbaric treatment of “inferior races” was based! These are the people who are in the process of shaping our world. They fully endorsed Hitler’s actions against the Jews, but also China’s actions against their own people as they slaughtered millions.

When you see how these people have been involved with China it will blow your mind. David Rockefeller (one of the key people in the Bilderberg Club movement) applauded Mao’s approach in China. As Mao was slaughtering millions of his own people for thought crimes, this same Rockefeller was watching from the wings and clapping at his genocide! And make no mistake about it, that’s what he and his ilk have planned for America.

Because China knows it has too many people, and because it does not believe that humans are anything more than advanced animals, it sees nothing wrong with slaughtering anyone who disagrees with the state. At the same time, those who are placed in detention camps for crimes which they really have not committed, are available for rich men like the Rockefellers of this world if they need a new kidney or some other organ. This is happening now. They have vans where human donors are slaughtered and doctors instantly provide the needed organ to the waiting rich elitist.

When you understand the full vision of their New World Order it is absolutely terrifying. These people are are beyond evil all dressed up in suits and ties. Out of their reprobate minds have come maleficent deeds based upon their conviction that man are merely intelligent animal. And because of their power and wealth they are the most intelligent of the beasts. So on their whim, the elitists can then choose who they wish trample.

To really effectively know more about why these people are moving in this direction and why we are just animals that need to be controlled or killed (if we can’t be killed), you definitely need to watch the following documentary. Entitled “Endgame” this is a must-see video, but WARNING it's a tear jerker.  Because it’s long, it took me a while to get through it all, but there is so much information we all need to know about the story behind these men who are right now orchestrating our future. The Bilderberg Group is intrinsically connected to eugenics, the Nazis, the Chinese Communists, and so many other evils inside their dark minds.

The novel Brave New World, which was written by Aldous Huxley back in 1932, was more based upon what he knew the eugenics movement was planning to do rather than on fiction like Orwell’s book (although Orwell had come out of and had experienced communist Russia). And he even stated in 1962 that he thought it would be possible for future totalitarian governments to make people love their servitude through the use of mind control and drugs. He felt this was “better” because these new elitist governments would combine methods of terror with mind control and drugs, thus making life easier on its poor downtrodden human chattel. Huxley was obviously still a believer in the deadly philosophy of eugenics at the end of his life.

At a minimum there have been at least 20,000 American deaths (that we know of) which have been caused by our own government as it has tested unknowing and unwilling subjects. Our country has blatantly tested poisons, nerve gases, vaccines with mercury and radiation on US troops. The VA given different levels of radiation pills to pregnant wives of servicemen saying they were vitamins, which caused violent miscarriages and the death of many of the women. How we have used our own citizens as guinea pigs or lab rats is simply unconscionable.

The mercury injections mentioned above (which are still happening) was recommended by Bertrand Russell, a noted British writer and atheist suggested that vaccinations filled with mercury and other chemicals would create chemical lobotomies would develop a zombie population that would be easy to control. He said in The Impact of Science on Society, “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” So both the US and the British governments are still practicing his mercury poisoning suggestions today (see above).

A full 20 percent of American kids have now been routinely prescribed some type of anti-depressant. Worse, two thirds of all foster children (where the state has total control) are automatically placed on psychotropic drug cocktails of at least seven different drugs making them behave like zombies.

Eugenics and China Eugenics and China Reviewed by big on 10:22 PM Rating: 5

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